Search Types - Spell Search - (Fetch terms that are also misspellings)

Many people have difficulty spelling, make typing mistakes when entering keywords or simply write words in a different way, for example, the word "color" in the US is written as "Colour" in Australia.

To use this feature, enter a keyword and check the "Spell" checkbox from the search form.

You can take advantage of this by targeting commonly misspelled keywords. These keywords are often far less competitive than the correctly spelled keyword.

For Example: You are running a hotel business, lets try and find the different ways people spell the word accommodation.
Enter the keyword accommodation and check the "Spell" checkbox.

Spelling variations

Note, the different ways in which people misspelled "accommodation".

If you target the common keyword misspellings in your PPC campaigns and even in organic SEO, you can get a real edge over your competition.

Outside of the research search page a spell search can be performed by prefixing your search term with spell:

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